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About Online Service

As a laboratory client, you can now quickly and efficiently manage your workflow through GIA's online portal.

My Laboratory & GIA Laboratory Client Portal

Now featuring one login for My Laboratory and the GIA Client Portal. Login

Instantly view and manage the job status of your gemstones from anywhere you have Internet access with My Laboratory – a 24/7 secure portal that as the latest information on your items, along with other invaluable resources. It's an easy-to-use platform that lets you:

  • Request additional services for completed items
  • Download PDFs of your GIA reports
  • Verify multiple reports simultaneously from GIA Report Check Plus
  • Create job orders online
  • Expedite items for pick up and confirm items have been shipped
  • Monitor billing and invoice details
  • Manage user access and permissions,

Running a lot of reports? View your options.

For additional questions, please contact our client services representatives.

Reports and Services

Natural Diamonds

Natural Diamonds

Assessment of authenticity and quality for diamonds in the D-to-Z color range from GIA, creator of the 4Cs

Natural Colored Diamonds

Natural Colored Diamonds

Assessment of color origin and quality based on GIA's color grading system for diamonds outside the D-to-Z range.

Laboratory-Grown Diamonds

Laboratory-Grown Diamonds

Identification of laboratory-grown diamonds, ensuring disclosure through laser inscription and digital-only reports.



Documentation of the specific attributes of pearls and pearl jewellery, including mollusc type and growth environment.

For more details and registration contact: